Let There Be Peace

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
For many people, this is a day of remembrance and mourning. Countless lives were touched back in 2001 when the Twin Towers came down. With today's waxing Libra moon, it's a good day to pause and remember those whose lives were taken or changed forever, and offer up a prayer for peace.

To do this ritual, simply light a white candle and repeat the following words:

"May peace be before me.
May peace be around me.
May peace shine throughout me.
May I walk in peace.
Send peace now to others.
Send peace to all mothers.
Let us love like brothers.
Let us walk in peace."

Pinch the candle out and get on with your day. You might even want to use this as a start for a year of peace, where you send out the prayer every morning to bring comfort to all those who are grieving or in turmoil.
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