Looking Back to Look Forward

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Geranium
It is said that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. My "clean date" is August 22, 1990. That was the first time I got through the entire day without getting high after many years of addiction.

I've been clean a long time now, but every year on August 21, I look back and remember what that day held for me. I revisit the desperation, fear, and sickness I felt then. Remembering how bad it was when I finally hit bottom has helped motivate me to continually choose to stay clean and sober. I look backward so I never lose sight of the emotions that made me willing to do almost anything to change my life.

Call to mind a difficult experience from your past. Sink into the depth of feelings associated with it. Now turn your eyes toward the future, letting that pain be your guide as you travel.
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