POSTED UNDER Money, Wealth

Bills Are Due Bewitched Money Jar

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Juniper
You just found out your child needs braces and there's a knock in your engine, but the electricity payment is due and your cupboards are bare. Don't we hate it when unexpected expenses creep into our lives? This bewitched money jar just might help.

You will need:
* A large glass jar
* A green permanent marker
* Basil leaves
* Some coins
* A green aventurine
* A green drawstring bag

Take a large glass jar and use the marker to draw personal symbols of wealth on it. Now take the basil leaves, coins, and green aventurine and place them in the green drawstring bag. Place the bag in the bottom of the jar. Imagine that for every coin you place in the jar, its value will find its way into your life three times three. Now say:

"For every coin I add, may my
wealth increase three times three."

Add spare and/or found change daily until the jar is full.
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About Monica Crosson
Monica Crosson (Concrete, Washington) is a Master Gardener who has taught gardening through her local Washington State University’s extension office for more than twenty-five years. She has been a practicing Witch and educator for over thirty years and is a member of Evergreen Coven. ...
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