POSTED UNDER Cat, Troubles, Water

Honest Abe's Problem-Solving Penny

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated on this day in 1922. Since then, folks visit Honest Abe's marble doppelganger not only to commemorate the man, but to tell him their troubles in the hope of getting some divine inspiration. You may not be able to travel to Washington, DC, today, but everyone has access to a penny.

Hold your coin ( perhaps significantly dated) and gaze at Lincoln, a man known for his honesty and dedication to freedom and for being a person who spoke with spirit(s). Visualize your issue and whisper it into the penny's energy-drawing copper. Carry the penny with you and look for signs, symbols, and serendipitous happenings that will reveal your answers. Once you get them, take the penny and bury it or toss it into running water.
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About Natalie Zaman
Natalie Zaman is the author of Color and Conjure and Magical Destinations of the Northeast (Llewellyn); the co-author of Sirenz (Flux), Sirenz Back In Fashion (Flux), and Blonde Ops (Thomas Dunne Books); and is a contributor to various Llewellyn annual publications. ...
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