POSTED UNDER Healing, Home, Luck, AND MORE

Cicada Song

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ivy
Here in the United States, the heat of the summer is upon us, bringing with it the song of the cicada. Jarring to some, melodious to others, the song was music to the ears of the ancients.

Cicadas represent rebirth, resurrection, carefree living, and immortality. They signify extreme good luck. References to the insect are found in Homer's Iliad. Sacred to Apollo and considered a delicacy by Aristotle, cicadas appear in ancient Chinese artworks.

Never kill a cicada. However, if you spot a dead one, you can preserve it in a jar with a glycerin packet. Keep it in a cool, dry spot for positive energy. It can also be used on your altar for various healing or prosperity spells.
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