Sheela's Day

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Pine
In Ireland, today is Sheela's Day, traditionally honoring Sheela-nagig, she of the great yoni. From the Old Irish Sile or Sila, meaning "hag," Sheela is not unique to Ireland; she's been found throughout Western and Central Europe. Old and thin, she squats with her great lips hanging. A crone now, she is the mother of the world who turns the seasons, shapes the land, and sings to our souls. When there are fierce winds, storms, and wild weather, Sheela is said to be out for a walk. Come summer, she'll go to sleep on a warm rock.

Dress warmly and go out in her bluster. Turn your face into the wind or the blowing rain or snow, and see Sheela with her long white hair flowing. Whisper:

"Old Hag, creator of this wonderful world, thanks for the howling winter. Time for you to rest.

Go home and toast Sheela's creations.
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