House Blessing

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Alder
As magickal folk, we may be called upon to cleanse or bless homes or other properties. And, of course, we can bless our own homes, too.

For this spell, you'll need a smudge stick, matches, bread, wine (or grape juice), a quartz crystal, and salt. Begin by smudging the house, first outside and then in, moving deosil (sunwise) and opening the doors and windows if possible.

Next, offer bread to the homeowner,

"This is so you will never be hungry."
Offer the wine: "This is so you will never thirst."
Offer the crystal: "This will fill your home with energy."
Offer the salt: "This will bring flavor to your life."
Finish with: "So shall it be!"

Enjoy the bread and wine together in the freshly blessed home, scattering a few small pieces of bread and a saucer of wine outdoors for the wee folk.
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About Susan Pesznecker
Susan “Moonwriter” Pesznecker is a writer, college English teacher, nurse, and hearth Pagan/Druid living in northwestern Oregon. Sue holds a Masters degree in professional writing and loves to read, watch the stars, camp with her wonder poodle, and work in her own biodynamic garden. She ...
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