Spell to Plan Winter Work

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Spending more time indoors in winter means we can make time for projects we don't get to during warmer weather. For this spell, handdraw a simple calendar on a piece of paper. Use colored pens and make it pleasing to look at. Then get some colored pieces of paper or sticky notes, and write your individual projects on each one (make several for projects that will take more than one day). Keep the project notes on your altar for a night or two, charging them with intention. Place the project notes on top of the calendar dates you plan to do them; if you don't get to it that day, move it to another day. Use tacks to stick the project notes on the new days. This allows you to be flexible and work according to your own time and energy. Keep the calendar in a visible but accessible place so you can move things as needed.
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About Peg Aloi
Peg Aloi is a freelance writer, film critic, and media studies scholar. Her anthology New Generation Witches (Ashgate Press 2008), co-edited with Hannah Johnston, explores the world of teenage witchcraft. She teaches media studies at the College of Saint Rose, and has been a consultant on a number ...
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