Spiritual Resurrection

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon
Ancient legends from Romania claim that each year, on this night, vampires rise from their graves after a year-long sleep to search for human blood. Taken metaphorically, this is the time for spiritual resurrection, to awaken your spirit in areas where it may have been sleeping, and choose to renew, revitalize, and drink in new life.

Use the new moon to work a resurrection spell. On a white sheet of paper, write three of your desires that may have been "sleeping." Place the paper face down in front of you. Light a white candle and say:

(With clarity, intention, and conscious will, I call in spirit to inspire me.)

Turn over your list of desires and say:

(With candle and new-moon light, I resurrect these desires.)

Hold the paper in both hands and exhale on it. Say:

(Blessed with the breath of life, may you find new life tonight and grow with the waxing moon.)
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