Lord of Death

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Alder
As we spiral down into the dark, let us celebrate the Lord of Death. Look into your personal darkness, identifying that which no longer serves you. Make lists on loose paper. Ask yourself:

(What habits, routines, people, or practices do I need to let go of? What no longer serves me?)

Burn these papers in a pot or on your barbeque. As the papers flame and burn, say:

(Lord of Death, take these bits, time for death and destruction.)

(In their place, from where they've gone, I choose resurrection.)

(I give you everything that doesn't make me happy, and turn my attention to the things that do.)

(Horned God, work your magic.)

Now make lists of the people, places, habits, or practices that make you happy. Post these where you'll see them regularly.
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