Cut It Out Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Orchid
Perform this spell to "cut out" a bad situation, problem, or habit from your life. You'll need about three feet of natural jute garden twine and a pair of scissors. Think of no more than three things you want to remove from your life. Hold the twine and say:

"I want to cut (say the problem) from my life."

Then cut a section of twine with the scissors and set it aside. You may repeat this procedure two more times for other problems if you wish. When done, pick up the pieces of twine and squeeze them in your hands. Grip them as if you're angry. Then take the twine outside and lay the pieces over the branch of a tree or shrub, but don't tie them. Hopefully birds will use the twine for nest material soon, and in doing so, your problems will be carried away.
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