POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat

The Fivefold Kiss

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Neroli
To give yourself a magickal boost to help you through your day, try performing a modification of the Wiccan Fivefold Kiss. Though this was originally designed to prepare a person for invocation or initiation, you can certainly use a variation of it as a self-blessing.
Get a small bottle of your favorite essential oil-please note that "fragrant" oil is chemical and should not be used for magickal work. If essential oil is unavailable, simply use olive oil or mineral oil.
Take some deep breaths and put yourself in a meditative state of mind.

Anoint the tops of your feet and say:

"Blessed be my feet, which have brought me in my ways."

Anoint your knees and say:

"Blessed be my knees, which shall kneel before the sacred altar."

Anoint your genitals and say:

"Blessed be my (womb/phallus), without which we would not be."

Anoint your chest and say:

"Blessed be my chest, formed in perfect strength."

Anoint your lips and say:

"Blessed be my lips, which shall utter the sacred names."
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