POSTED UNDER Bath, Earth, Water

Let Time Stand Still

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Alder
At this time of year, nature goes dormant. This spell takes a cue from nature and gives you time to pause and reflect. For this spell, you'll need a small clock, a black cloth, and your favorite soap, bubble bath, body lotion, etc.
First run a nice warm bath for yourself with your favorite soap/bubble bath. Place the clock near the tub, and cover it with the black cloth. For this spell, time means nothing. Remove your bathrobe; let it fall to the floor, and as it does, visualize all your earthly cares being removed from your shoulders. Step into the tub and sink into the water. Don't worry about the time-for once, turn your mind off!
When you're ready-and only when you feel like it-get out of the tub. As you towel off, visualize all bad karma being removed. Now face the world.
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