World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Balsam
In November of 2001, in the wake of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, the United Nations sanctioned this day as a national holiday. The cultural diversity of earth-based belief systems continues to be misunderstood. Gather as many symbols of peace as you can find in your home. You may wish to go through magazines for pictures that symbolize peace to you. Place these on your altar for the day to give off power for your evening casting. If possible and appropriate, develop a valuable and harmonious dialogue with open and sympathetic followers of another religion. Educate one another. Look into opportunities for learning about other religions at a local library or college. At the evening casting, create a two- or three-dimensional representation of your idea of world peace. Bless and cleanse it with sea salt and sage. Display this in your home as a constant reminder to maintain an open mind and heart.
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