Effective Dieting Ritual

To make your dieting effective, do not follow fad diets. Instead, eat sensibly and reduce your caloric intake, especially fat calories. Furthermore, you can follow a ritual to help yourself stay away from unhealthful foods. Buy some fresh cilantro or some coriander seeds. Crush some of the cilantro leaves between your fingers or crush a few seeds in a mortar and inhale to help curb your appetite. Visualize the goddess Kwan Yin extending her arms to you as you inhale the fragrance. You might want to make a small altar to Kwan Yin, offering coriander, oranges, and jasmine tea. Then allow these into your diet as well. Burn aloeswood or jasmine incense. As you lose weight, thank Kwan Yin for her mercy and aid in dieting.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=590