Longing for Connection

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Rue
Are you longing for an intimate spiritual connection? Are you missing or lacking that sense of community with like-spirited people?
Here is a spell to open your life to empowering spirit connections with others.
For this spell, you will be praying to Grandmother Weaver, the matrix of all.
Sit in darkness with an unlit candle before you, the color of which embodies the kind of connection you are looking to forge. Breathe, ground, center, and align. Sink down into the Great Abyss and become conscious of Consciousness. This is the Weaver beholding her Mystery. It is here you will find your heart.
A shining piece of the Great Web of the Infinite comes out of your heart; perhaps there are many. Focus on each one and travel down these strands of the Wyrd. Open to their possibilities for you.
Light the candle and sit in stillness, heart open and willing.
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About Gede Parma
Gede Parma (Fio Aengus) is a Balinese-Australian witch, international teacher, magical mentor, author, and initiate. Gede (they/them pronouns) cherishes the initiatory mysteries of four powerful witchcraft traditions, and is a co-founder of the Coven of the Wildwood and midwife and initiate of ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=5757