Letting Go of Memories

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Sage
Does something from the past haunt you? Use the waning moon to help banish memories.
Gather items that evoke memories. Lay a square of black cotton, large enough to wrap up all your memory objects, flat on your altar.
Meditate on the past. Feel it as a weight inside you. Imagine it growing lighter and lighter, floating up like a bubble. Let it rise and disappear.

One by one, hold each item. Say:

"I am ready to let you go. I can forget you now."

Place the item on the cloth.
Pull the corners of the cloth together to form a bag. Tie it with a silver cord. Leave a long end to carry the bag.
Find a bridge, preferably over running water. Hold the bag by the cord. Say:

"I let you go. I forget you."

Cut the cord and let the bag fall into the water. Don't look back.
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Deborah Lipp has been teaching Wicca, magic, and the occult for over thirty years. She became a Witch and High Priestess in the 1980s as an initiate of the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca. She's been published in many Pagan publications, including newWitch, Llewellyn's Magical Almanac, PanGaia, and ...
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