POSTED UNDER Home, Protection

Travel Protection Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Neroli
On Monday monring, many people are out the door to travel somewhere. Travel by car is the most common mode of transportation. This includes bus, taxi, or any other type of public land trasportation.
I like to put a bubble of protection around my vehicle. I concentrate on placing a shield of protection around the car with the intent that I will drive safe; the bubble is to keep out anyone who does not drive in a safe manner. We cannot expect protection if we do not act in a safe manner.
For flying, I have a small bag with some dirt from home, a bird feather, a black stone with a pentacle on it, and a toy compass I got for a quarter. The intent in this spell bag is to fly like a bird, arrive at my destination, and always return home safely.
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