Circle of Fire Amulet

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Obtain a carnelian stone (ideally in jewelry), five red candles, and an altar pentacle. Cast a circle (or visualize yourself surrounded by a circle of power) and place the pentacle on the altar with red candles placed around it at the pentagram points. Sit in front of the altar holding the carnelian, close your eyes, and meditate. When you are centered, visualize the planet Mars and seeing red light shining forth from it and pouring into your third eye and through you, into the stone and candles. Open your eyes and set the carnelian in the center of the pentacle. Light the candles and chant:

"Circle of fire, the power of Mars I wish to wield, fill this charm with your mighty light. Blazing energy, protective shield, burn away danger, put evil to flight!"

Allow the candles to burn for an hour before extinguishing them. Carry the stone always.
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About Michael Furie
Michael Furie (Northern California) is the author of Supermarket Sabbats, Spellcasting for Beginners, Supermarket Magic, Spellcasting: Beyond the Basics, and more, all from Llewellyn Worldwide. A practicing Witch for more than twenty years, he is a priest of the Cailleach. ...
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