POSTED UNDER Cure, Home, Wind

Blocking a Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Whether real or perceived, sometimes we think that someone may be sending us something we really do not want. Here are some suggestions to help block that unwanted energy:
- Hang small pieces of mirror facing out in your windows. These reflect back whatever negativity may be coming your way.
- Place smoky quartz pieces at all entrances to your home, doors, and windowsills to keep out unwanted presences. Black river stones work just as well.
- Hang small wind chimes on your front and back porches to keep away annoying manifestations. The tinkling noise is said to annoy them more than they could annoy you.
- Finally, do a self-check. Now that you are secure, what was it that made you think someone or something wants to send you something you don't want? Work on making right the wrong, or banish them from your life for good.
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