Time for You Spell

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
When the sun is in Virgo, we are rushed and so wrapped up in doing that we don't take the time needed to enjoy what we have created. This is especially true of Virgos themselves. This spell will help you quiet your mind as well as take back the understanding that it is just as fine to admire your life as it is to advance it.
Place a small hourglass in front of you. When ready, turn the glass over and say out loud as fast as you can all the things on your to-do list. You only have until the glass runs out. When it does, stop. Now flip it over and say all the things you are grateful for. Repeat the process. Feel the difference. The things you rush about to do don't seem so important, do they? Finish with gratitude once again.
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