POSTED UNDER Bath, Cat, Midsummer, AND MORE

Divine Masculine Invocation

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Cypress
Today is the summer solstice (Midsummer) and the longest day of the year! No matter what our gender, we all have masculine and feminine aspects to ourselves. To maintain a healthy balance, we must both honor and recognize these dual aspects.
Today, with the sun at the peak of its power, is the perfect time to honor our relationship with the divine masculine that resides within all of us. Here is a simple Midsummer-themed invocation you can recite today in recognition and honor of your ever-present divine masculine:

"Midsummer Day!
Solar rays radiating bright, bathing us in your divine masculine light! Illuminating our divine masculine within, balancing the sacred inner feminine.
Power of the god without and within, always with us even as now the light shall grow thin.
Wisdom of the sage and of the sun, so shall it remain as the waning of the light has now begun.
So mote it be!"
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