POSTED UNDER Autumn, Blessing, Family, AND MORE

Counting Blessings Spell

When counting your blessings this year, add to your prosperity by using ritual at every step of the process. When cooking, add sage liberally to dressing. Spices like nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and allspice add to prosperity. Whenever adding magical ingredients to recipes, stir clockwise. Say to yourself: "As I stir, I increase prosperity, love, and harmony at home." Ginger-scented or bayberry candles decorate the table, as do gourds, autumn leaves, and perhaps pomegranates or red apples. Before everyone begins to eat, don't forget to add a prayer: "Dearest Pomona, harvest goddess, thank you for this bounteous harvest. Dearest Jupiter, god of prosperity, thank you for the means to purchase these fine foods. Dearest Juno, goddess of community, thank you for the strength to work toward our goals, and bless our family and friends this year."
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