POSTED UNDER Home, Protection, Rain

Amburbium Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Clove
To the Romans, Amburbium was a holiday of protection for body, mind, and spirit. They circled their homes, chanting and praying, offering sacrifices to ensure their safety from evil spirits.

Sprinkle salt in a large circle as you say:
"Within this circle I am safe from all things."

Inside the circle place three bowls:
One with salt
One with red wine
One with milk

Sprinkle some salt into the red wine while saying:
"My body is safe and whole."

Sprinkle some salt into the milk and say:
"My mind is safe and sound."

Finally, pour the red wine and the milk into the bowl of salt and say:
"My spirit is safe and free."

When completed, sweep up the circle and place in the bowl with the rest of the sacrifice and say:
"I am safe, body, mind, and spirit."

Pour the sacrifice down the drain.
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