Bast Blessing

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Carnation
I am blessed by the companionship of three cats, and I know that cats practice a lot of powerful magic. When it is cold at night and a cat snuggles next to me, it lifts my spirits. Magic! Today, bless your cats, the animals who bless you, with this small spell. Fill their water and food dishes, and say:

"I bless you with nutrition and health."

Clean out the litter box and say:

"I bless you with cleanliness and care,"

Afterward, snuggle your cat and as you pat it say:

"I am blessed by Bast, the great wise Cat
I am blessed by cat, the great wise Bast
Bast be blessed, cat be blessed,
Bless you Bast, and Bless you cat."
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