POSTED UNDER Love, Prayer, Protection

Mistletoe for Prophetic & Intuitive Dreaming

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
At this time of year, mistletoe tends to be available in most grocery stores - usually fresh! While this plant is renowned for increasing love between two people, its usage is actually more varied. Mistletoe has long been renowned as an herb of protection (of all kinds), animal magic (including hunting), longevity, and anti-evil. For our purposes, let's utilize its energies both of sleep and dream magic, and of revealing hidden things. Dreams can give us symbolic answers to numerous questions. Prophetic dreaming is actually a relatively common occurrence; it's only a matter of choosing to listen to the subconscious messages our mind gives every night, and how deep we delve into those transmissions! Hang a sprig mestletoe above your bed (or tack a sachet of sifted mistletoe to the wall above the bed). When you lie down for sleep, gaze at the mistletoe and say:
Holly King, Jack Frost, the
Reaper, and the Dreamer:
hear my prayers! Rush upon
me this night. Illuminate
my vision, let me see deeper
truth. May insight and knowledge permeate my
dreams! As I will, so mote
it be.
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Raven Digitalis (USA) is an award-winning author best known for his "empath's trilogy," consisting of The Empath's Oracle, Esoteric Empathy, and The Everyday Empath, as well as the "shadow trilogy" of A Gothic Witch's Oracle, A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium, and Goth Craft. Originally trained in ...
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