Gremlin Banishment Spell (for Washer and Dryer)

Technological advances have gotten ahead of magic in many ways; there are few specific spells to protect modern machines. This is bad because gremlins just love machines. They get inside and cause all manner of mayhem. Gremlins are especially fond of appliances like washers and dryers, where they chew holes in your clothes, add inexplicable spots, and pilfer socks, leaving you with unmatched pairs. To banish gremlins from your washer and dryer, first tie a long sock into three knots. Then add nine pinches of salt to the wash water. Wash and dry the load as usual. When you take the clothes out of the dryer, check the sock-if all the knots are untied, then all the gremlins are gone; and if any of the knots remain, there are still some gremlins left. Repeat the charm as needed to banish any remaining gremlins.
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