Color of the day: Yellow Incense of the day: Juniper Many people will remember today as the tragic anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center. You can use this ritual to send healing strength into the world, as well as for your own personal healing. Sunday is a day of empowerment. Decorate your altar or other special place with yellow and white candles, rosemary, and marigold flowers. Burn frankincense. As you light your candles, visualize the radiant light of the Sun flowing through you, filling you with strong, healing light. Imagine channeling this glorious light out into the world. Chant the following:
Sunlight heal,
Sunlight shine,
Send your strength
To me and mine.
Repeat the chant as many times as you like. After the candles burn out, keep the herbs and flowers on your altar for a while, then return them to the earth with a blessing, envisioning them transferring healing strength to soil, which spreads throughout the land.