POSTED UNDER Charm, Children, Protection, AND MORE
Child Protection
June 11, 2011by Laurel Reufner
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Sandalwood
As our children get older and they spend more and more time away from us, it gets harder and harder to keep them safe from the troubles and dangers of the world. This simple protection spell uses a cell phone charm. Ground and center before lighting a small blue or white candle. Hold the chosen charm in your receptive hand and focus your will upon it, filling it with white protective light. Visualize that light swirling out from the charm to surround your child with a protective barrier between them and the dangers of their world. Place the charm near the candle and allow it to burn down completely. Fasten the charm to your child's cell phone. It is done. Make sure to program an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number into their directory.
With a spell for each day of the year, this almanac makes it easy to explore new magical endeavors.
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