Color of the day: Scarlet Incense of the day: Cedar Naturally, many of us pray daily to the goddess Caffeina, asking her to fill us with wakefulness and the energy of the day! Why not make your monring cup of coffee (or caffeinated tea) a ritual? When you add the coffee grounds to the filter, or when you put the tea bag in the cup, say: Sacred caffeine-invigoration! Fill my day with motivation. Imbue this elixir, merge with my being, that I may be inspired, that I may sing! This day is mine, through space and through time. Fill me now, So mote it be! As the coffee or tea steeps, envision it surrounded with a bright blue light. Chant any extra energies you wish to imbue your day with by speaking them directly into the elixir - the water will carry this energy into you. Repeat this "instant magic" spell as often as you like. |