A Spell to Sleep Well

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
Spin a spell today to quiet your body and soothe your senses. Call to the Egyptian goddess Nuit, the embodiment of the starry heaven. All you'll need is a blue candle and lavender oil. At your ritual space, or under the night sky, charge the candle with your intention of restful sleep and dress the candle with the oil. (Rub oil on your temples for added relaxation). Take a deep breath and lift your gaze at the beauty of the sea of stars.

Raise your arms in honor and call to Nuit:

Beauteous Nuit Eternal One of starry heaven
Hold me in your warm embrace as I journey through the veil of dreams.
Grant me a deep and peaceful sleep that I may dream of the worlds unseen. Blessed be.

Snuff out the candle and allow your breath to guide you into a deep and restful sleep. Sweet dreams!
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