Thunderstorm in a Bottle

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Lily
Thunderstorms cleanse the Earth, combining the powers of earth, air, fire, and water, and can cleanse you, too. Capture that power by catching rainwater in a bottle. Watch the entire storm from a window. Visualize the bottle expanding to embrace the storm. Allow the rain to create a trance-like rhythm. As you chant, imagine the rain falling on you, and notice thunder in the distance vibrating your body.
Thunder beat, my heart drums,
Lightning strike, my skin thrums,
Rain of rivers, lakes, and ocean ,
Through me, to me, from the sky.
Grab your bottle right after the rain stops. Cap the bottle and store it in your refrigerator or a cool, dry place. Add a little of the rainwater you captured to your shampoo or to your bath water when you need extra cleansing or an energy boost.
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