For Walking a Labyrinth

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Labyrinths differ from mazes in that the path is actually planned for you, but the twists and turns make it hard to see whether you are coming or going. Should you get to walk a labyrinth, try speaking this prayer as you go:
Each step before me has been walked before
Each turn I turn on has been turned before
What goes behind me has gone before
And before you now I go.
Repeat this prayer while picturing your own concept of the divine; when you reach the center of the labyrinth, pause and listen to the sounds and sensations around you, and then while walking back out of the path repeat the prayer again. At the entrance of the labyrinth, pause and listen again while dwelling on your own idea of how divine energy manifests. Look around you for what seems different from when you walked into the labyrinth.
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