Out of the Belly

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
Groundhog Day

Today is especially magical because it combines the sabbat of Imbolc with the esbat of the New Moon. One meaning of Imbolc is "in the belly," the time when ewes grew heavy with lambs. The New Moon is also a time of inner life and ideas rising out of the subconscious. Use this rare confluence of energies to your advantage. Build your ritual around a black cauldron or bowl filled with soil. Use it as a focus for meditation on the meaning of this prefertile time. Contemplate what you want to bring into manifestation this growing season. Chant slowly:

In the belly
Life grows strong
It rises up
Toward the light
And then breathes out
One clear word.

Speak the word for what you seek to manifest. Light a candle and press it into the soil. Let the candles burn
out after the ritual.

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