POSTED UNDER Bath, Bathroom, Charm, AND MORE

The Love-Bath Spell

Start this spell on a Friday evening at seven o'clock by adorning your bathroom with one red rose in a water-filled vase and seven pale green candles. Run the bath water, and honor Venus by adding to it one cup of sweet amber honey, one cup of pink wine, a splash of rose-scented perfume, and several drops of myrtle and clover essential oils. Next, get undressed, light the candles, turn off the light, and enter the tub. Allow the warm delicious water to soothe your muscles and your spirit. Imagine that your lover finds you beautiful, impossible to resist, and ready to submit to your charms. When the visualization is complete, drain the water from the tub and stand under a cool shower. This will further magnetize your body, and draw your lover to you.
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