Braggadocio Ritual

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Christmas Day

Whatever your religious persuasion, Christmas is a holiday of merrymaking. Families and friends gather in festive spirit. Houses are festooned with tiny lights and garlands of fresh pine and there is a general up swelling of a celebratory heart. One of the cheeriest ways to commune on this day is to participate in the ancient rite of sumbling. This is a sharing of toasts and boasts that gets everyone laughing and sharing in spirit and good cheer. You will need a huge chalice full of brew, wine, nog, or mead.
Gather friends 'round in a circle. The host shall be the first to begin the sumble. Raise the chalice and proclaim something that you want to brag about, some accomplishment of yours this year. You can make this very dramatic and overly full of yourself. Then take a sip of brew and pass the chalice to the next celebrant. He then raises the chalice and boasts of his achievement this year or something he is very proud of. Make it loud and boisterous. The second round is about gloating over how fabulous you are. Each participant in turn will raise the chalice and say something about themselves that they think is their best quality. Be imaginative and in good humor. The third and final round is an oath, kind of like a New Year's resolution in which you swear to something important to you. Don't forget to save a last sip to pour into the fire as an offering to the attending gods and goddesses. Merry meet!

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