POSTED UNDER Cat, Earth, Moon

A Time to Look Within

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Rue
Tonight is the New Moon. The Earth's shadow casts a dark cloak across the shining Moon, hiding her from our eyes. This is the turning point, when the energy reaches its inmost focus, for tomorrow the Moon begins her return. For now she lies in balance. The world below pauses in the indrawn breath of the Moon. Now is a time for introspection and scrying. If you have relevant tools to dedicate-such as a crystal ball, tarot deck, or black mirror-this is an auspicious time. Past-life regression is another good choice. The three-faced goddess Hecate oversees this phase of the Moon for she can see the past, the present, and the future all at once. To aid your scrying, gather a black altar cloth, a black candle, white sandalwood incense, and your favorite scrying tool. Light the candle and say:
Here is the light of the hidden Moon.
Light the incense and say:
Here is the smoke of the Earth's shadow.
Hold your scrying tool and say:
By light and shadow, may Hecate show me the way.
Then do your reading. Remember to thank Hecate for her insights after you finish.

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