Clear Your Path to Love

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Rose
Friday is a day to attract love, although the waning Moon does not make this Friday ideal. But you can always interpret a Moon phase to your advantage-instead of calling for love today, try banishing obstacles to love. Think about the things that stand in the way of having a good relationship. Are you shy? Does your lifestyle allow you to meet new people? Are you still fixated on a love that was never meant to be? Write these obstacles down on a piece of paper, roll it up, and tie it with black thread. Light a red candle, and have a cauldron or fireproof dish handy. Light the paper in the candle, and drop it into the dish to burn, chanting:
Obstacles to love, I banish thee; by my will, so mote it be!
Finally, light some rose incense to seal the spell with love's promise.

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