POSTED UNDER Cat, Earth, Moon

Celebrate Leadership

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Rue
The Full Moon of June is associated with the goddess Juno (Greek Hera). Juno presides over marriage, hence the popularity of June weddings. Her other areas of influence are women and leadership. Her stones include pearl and moonstone. Honor Juno with an esbat celebrating leadership, especially female leaders. Decorate the altar in royal purple, with pictures of queens and goddesses. Add a rod, scepter, crown, or other symbol of power. Read this invocation:
Hail Juno, queen of the gods!
Your might holds up the heavens;
Your grace shines down upon the Earth.
Bless me, that I might see your face
In the face of every woman I meet
And show them respect in your honor.
Hear me as I give thanks
To those who have guided me.
You men can talk about the strong women you've known in your life. You women can do the same; you may also acknowledge your own strength. When you are through, thank Juno and close your ritual.
If possible, find time today to do a favor for a woman in a leadership position or send a thank-you card to one who has helped you in the past.

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