POSTED UNDER Earth, Spring

Blooming Creativity

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Though the possibility of some late wintry weather is not out of the question, in most parts of the world life is bursting out everywhere in shades of light green and rich, earthy brown. Perhaps the creative force inherent at this time of year inspired the poet Robert Frost, whose birthday is today. Take some time today and see if you can't tap into some of that creativity, and try to incorporate something from the natural world around you. Write a poem about new leaves, make a sculpture out of cold spring mud, arrange a bouquet of daffodils. Consider making your nature creation an offering to the creative life force within all things-leave it under a tree or in an icy, rushing brook, or set it on your altar to remind you of the beauty and power life can hold.

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