POSTED UNDER Air, Moon, Protection, AND MORE

Cancer Energy Spell

To encourage the rebuilding of something, or to promote protection, on a Monday night gather one bowl of water, three jade stones, and thirteen new dimes. Empower the bowl of water under the Full Moon by capturing the reflection of the Moon in the water for at least thirty minutes. Slowly drop each dime in the water, waiting until the water stills before you drop each one. Make your intention known as you use all the dimes. Then, hold your hands over the bowl and repeat your request. In the air, over the bowl, draw the sigil for the Moon (@) and the sigil for Cancer (d). Take the three stones and the thirteen dimes and place them in a green conjuring bag. Sprinkle the water at the threshold of all doors leading to the outside, repeating your petition. Keep the bag with you until your request is answered.
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About Silver RavenWolf
Silver RavenWolf (Pennsylvania) is a nationally recognized leader and elder of Wicca, and her writing has been instrumental in guiding the future of one of the fastest-growing faiths in America today. The author of many books, she has been interviewed by The New York Times, Newsweek Magazine, ...
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