Color of the day: Yellow Incense of the day: Heliotrope You become especially aware of your health during the winter months. You may seem to be susceptible to colds and flu, and your clothes seem to be tighter. You can get into bad eating habits and continue them without realizing what you are doing to your body. You feel sluggish, bloated, and tired. This is the time to take a look at how much exercise you are getting, how many junk or rich foods you are eating, and how to try to get yourself back into a program of exercise and healthy diet. Take trips to the mall and walk a good brisk pace when the weather is bad outside. Join a local Y or see if the local school offers a healthy family program. Look at your diet and start substituting wholesome foods for those quickie box meals, as well as dropping some of the mindless munching items. Eat right and stay fit.