Color of the day: Crimson Incense of the day: Nutmeg Tradition states that the winter faeries are out in force on this night. While you are decking the halls, why not invite the winter faeries inside for a little break from the cold? They are sure to bring prosperity and good luck to your home during the darkest days-as long as you set some ground rules. You will need a sprig of fresh holly and ivy arranged around a green candle. Both of these plants are well loved by the faeries. Light the candle and repeat this holiday charm:
The holly brings magical protection and the ivy fidelity,
May the faeries of winter find a haven of warmth and love, here with me.
Now protect well my home, ring in cheer, and holiday fun,
As I will it so shall it be, and faeries, bring harm to none!
Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place.