POSTED UNDER Blessing, Family, Friends, AND MORE

Table Blessing

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Vanilla

Today is World Food Day, so why not bless your table? Gather with friends and family around a kitchen table laden with food. In the center, place several ears of corn and a jug of water. With hands clasped and spirits high, say:
Ha Haii Wuhti, she who brings the corn.
Ha Haii Wuhti, nourisher reborn.
Bless this table with this water.
Bless this table with this corn.
Ha Haii Wuhti, we raise our voice with thee!
Blessings to this bounty, Ha Haii Wuhti!
Share the water and break bread. At the end of the meal, give each guest an ear of corn to make a corn doll to carry the blessings back to their home. Ha Haii Wuhti is the mother of the Hopis who brings water and food to all beings. Ha Haii Wuhti likes to be loud, so be sure to speak this spell strongly!

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