POSTED UNDER Charm, Earth, Money

Temperance Charm

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Marigold
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Marigold

The old saying goes, "All things in moderation." Today is a good day to work on temperance. Think about an area of your life that needs some moderation. Do you spend excessive amounts of money and feel guilty afterward? Have you accumulated too much debt? Do you consume too much unhealthy food or drink? Try to curb bad habits with the following spell. On a piece of black paper, write the areas of your life where you need temperance. Fold the paper and place it in shallow dish and cover the paper with dirt. Recite the following:
Dispel excess that does me harm,
Earth accept this binding charm.
Help me moderate my ways,
To meet the challenge of each day.
Guard this burden, keep it safe
In this charm I place my faith.
After you have visualized your intent, bury this paper and dirt outside or in the bottom of a potted plant.
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