POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Moon, AND MORE

A Corn Moon Ritual

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Bay laurel

Native Americans and early settlers called the August Full Moon the Corn Moon. It was a time of giving thanks to the Earth and feasting. Corn was the focus of early harvest celebrations, as it was considered to be the seed of seeds and the giver of life. All the products from corn can be considered holy. Cornmeal, pollen, husks, and ears of corn were all used in fertility and prosperity magic. Corn Moon magic should be a simple ritual of giving thanks to Mother Earth. In doing so, you'll create positive karma that will return blessings to you. On the night of the Corn Moon, stand outside in a field if possible. Carry an earthenware dish filled with cornmeal. Raise it to the Full Moon, then lower it to the Earth. Solemnly sprinkle the corn meal on the ground and speak the following words:
From seed to plant,
From plant to blossom,
From blossom to harvest,
I thank you, Mother Earth.
When done, be aware of the August night as the Moon casts a mellow glow over a land of plenty. Listen to the katydid scratching at the darkness. Smell the ripeness of summer's end. And silently thank the ancient ones who gave us corn, the symbol of life itself.
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