Cool Off Bath Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Hyacinth

Breaking off any kind of relationship can be a tricky situation. If you feel that you need a little extra help separating yourself from an individual or situation, try this handy magical bath. In a 7-inch square piece of deep-purple cotton cloth, place the following: sea salt, sage, mint, 9 drops of frankincense oil, a pinch of dragon's blood powder, thyme, and a small tumbled quartz crystal. Tie the bundle closed with a black ribbon, knotting it three times. Toss into a bath full of water.

Cool off now, and leave me be,
Be gone, you have no hold on me.
Unwanted psychic ties dissolve,
You'll never break my strong resolve.

As you get in the tub, visualize unwanted cords running to you dissolving as you hit the water. Suddenly, others in the situation should lose interest in you and go their own way.
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