POSTED UNDER Earth, Healing, Moon, AND MORE

Moon Magic

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Mulberry
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Mulberry

We sometimes forget that moonlight is simply the light of the Sun, reflected and softened for us to look at with the naked eye. How fortunate we are to have this mirror of light. When we honor the Moon, we also honor the Sun. Both celestial bodies are important to our lives. Find a place where you can see the Moon, either indoors or outside. Capture the moonlight by reflecting its image in a bowl or glass of water. Gaze upon the reflection for as long as you like, meditating, thinking of what you need: healing, strength, confidence, or just general well-being-anything you wish to manifest in your life. When you are ready, chant the following:

Reflected light, sunlight at night,
Gift of Earth's stone satellite;
Silver, shining, sister Moon,
I receive this light; the light of life.

Drink the water, imagining you are drinking the liquid light of the universe, of life itself. Feel your body being energized, healed, filled with magic, your spirit renewed. Leave a few drops and pour it on the ground or into a potted plant as an offering of thanks.

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