POSTED UNDER Cat, Dog, Friends

Thankful Thursdays

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Myrrh

A friend of mine decided that one Thanksgiving Day a year was not enough, so she started making every Thursday into Thankful Thursday. Each week, she writes a list of seven things she is thankful for: her new baby, the support of her husband, her friends, her dog, her cat. She varies her list from week to week. Some things she has been thankful for include wonderful weather, bargains at the store, a raise at work, or a helpful friend. She believes doing this has made her more positive and aware of the many good things in her life, and the lists give her a record to look back on when life is difficult. This is a wonderful way to bring more positive energy into your life. Every Thursday, write a list of seven things you are thankful for. You can repeat yourself from week to week, as long as you keep a record of thankfulness.
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