Color of the day: Yellow Incense of the day: Bay laurel Incense of the day: Bay laurel If you're already happily employed, use this spell to achieve added success or increased job satisfaction. If you're searching, this spell can help you find a job that's right for you. It's important to keep an open mind, even if you think you know the perfect job. If you're searching, you should have some jobs in mind and be actively pursuing them. Just remember that sometimes the universe knows best and will lead you in an unexpected direction. Place one green candle and one orange candle together in a large dish or bowl. Sprinkle sage around the candles. Visualize your intent as you light the candles and invoke Janus, god of beginnings, for a literal new beginning or to approach your existing job with a new perspective. Janus, bring me what I need In my career to succeed. Give me strength to know and build The work to keep my life fulfilled. |